Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Low Resin Blue Colour Cake 15g/ 0.54oz


How to use: use wet brush to apply colour directly on the colour cake.

Feature: The chips include resin already. The colour is very fine and pure. Colour is profound and endurable. It is very easy to get colour.

Storage: keep it in dry, clean shade. The longer the colour is preserved, the better the quality becomes.

Special Note: industrial colour, easy to dissolve in water.

#Inks #JiangSiXuTangNaturalMineralColours #ChinesePainting #%e5%b7%a5%e7%ac%94%e7%94%bbGongbiPainting

Clic Low Resin Blue Colour Cake 15g/ 0.54oz para más información Inkston

New! available at: http://bit.ly/2ZJr2Ps from Products – Inkston

Monday, June 24, 2019

Lead White Colour Cake 15g/ 0.54oz


How to use: use wet brush to apply colour directly on the colour cake.

Feature: The chips include resin already. The colour is very fine and pure. Colour is profound and endurable. It is very easy to get colour.

Storage: keep it in dry, clean shade. The longer the colour is preserved, the better the quality becomes.

Special Note: industrial colour, easy to dissolve in water. #Inks #JiangSiXuTangNaturalMineralColours #ChinesePainting #%e5%b7%a5%e7%ac%94%e7%94%bbGongbiPainting

Clic Lead White Colour Cake 15g/ 0.54oz para más información Inkston

New! available at: http://bit.ly/2Y4OXbH from Products – Inkston

Cinnabar Red Colour 15g/ 0.54oz


How to use: use wet brush to apply colour directly on the colour cake.

Feature: The chips include resin already. The colour is very fine and pure. Colour is profound and endurable. It is very easy to get colour.

Storage: keep it in dry, clean shade. The longer the colour is preserved, the better the quality becomes.

Special Note: industrial colour, easy to dissolve in water. #Inks #JiangSiXuTangNaturalMineralColours #ChinesePainting #%e5%b7%a5%e7%ac%94%e7%94%bbGongbiPainting

Clic Cinnabar Red Colour 15g/ 0.54oz para más información Inkston

New! available at: http://bit.ly/2IG8TMV from Products – Inkston

Eosin Red Colour 15g/ 0.54oz


How to use: use wet brush to apply colour directly on the colour cake.

Feature: The chips include resin already. The colour is very fine and pure. Colour is profound and endurable. It is very easy to get colour.

Storage: keep it in dry, clean shade. The longer the colour is preserved, the better the quality becomes.

Special Note: industrial colour, easy to dissolve in water. #Inks #JiangSiXuTangNaturalMineralColours #ChinesePainting #%e5%b7%a5%e7%ac%94%e7%94%bbGongbiPainting

Clic Eosin Red Colour 15g/ 0.54oz para más información Inkston

New! available at: http://bit.ly/2Lb1EOw from Products – Inkston

Deep Red Industrial Colour 15g/ 0.54oz


How to use: use wet brush to apply colour directly on the colour cake.

Feature: The chips include resin already. The colour is very fine and pure. Colour is profound and endurable. It is very easy to get colour.

Storage: keep it in dry, clean shade. The longer the colour is preserved, the better the quality becomes.

Special Note: industrial colour, easy to dissolve in water. #Inks #JiangSiXuTangNaturalMineralColours #ChinesePainting #%e5%b7%a5%e7%ac%94%e7%94%bbGongbiPainting

Clic Deep Red Industrial Colour 15g/ 0.54oz para más información Inkston

New! available at: http://bit.ly/2IDdLCe from Products – Inkston

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Reply To: Calligraphy style for beginners

Great videos, thank you for your suggestions! #BeginnerCalligrapher #ChuSuiliang #RegularStyle #Resources

Visit the forum at http://bit.ly/2IYuoqT to join the discussion on Inkston Oriental Art Community Inkston Oriental Art Community » All Posts https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

Reply To: Calligraphy style for beginners

Merci beaucoup pour vos conseils! These are precious indeed and I will consider them and make treasure of all you have written. #BeginnerCalligrapher #ChuSuiliang #RegularStyle #Resources

Visit the forum at http://bit.ly/31HPbrj to join the discussion on Inkston Oriental Art Community Inkston Oriental Art Community » All Posts https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

Reply To: Calligraphy style for beginners

Bonjour ema.ballo,

Chu Suiliang est un des quatre principaux maîtres du début des Tang : Ouyang Xun, Yu Shinan, Chu Suiliang, et Xue Ji (bien que certains experts donnent des listes parfois différentes car il n’y pas unanimité pour les quatre…). Ne pas confondre avec les quatre maîtres du kaishu: Yan Zhenqing, Liu Gongquan, Ouyang Xun (Tang) et Zhao Mengfu (Yuan). Vous pouvez copier Chu Suiliang, bien sûr, c’est un grand calligraphe, mais, pour un débutant, ce n’est pas le choix le plus pédagogique. En fait, si les quatre maîtres mentionnés sont étudiés en priorité depuis des siècles, c’est parce qu’ils apportent des qualités indispensables pour maîtriser n’importe quel autre kaishu. Yan Zhenqing donne la force, Liu Gongquan l’os, Ouyang Xun la rectitude et Zhao Mengfu la chair. Encore faut-il connaître, pour chacun d’entre eux, laquelle de leur œuvre convient le mieux, car ils ont réalisé de nombreuses calligraphies dans différents styles (kaishu, xingshu, etc).
Pour la plupart des étudiants, Yan est le meilleur commencement, et on finit généralement par Zhao, quand les trois autres sont assez maîtrisés. Ce que vous aimez spontanément ne devrait pas entrer en ligne de compte car votre capacité à apprécier, et donc vos goûts vont évoluer avec votre progression technique. Quand vous débutez, votre œil n’est pas suffisamment exercé pour faire un choix adéquat.

J’ai des étudiants chinois et occidentaux de différents niveaux. Pour donner à chacun le meilleur conseil de modèle d’entraînement, je dois préalablement voir leur travail, afin de déterminer ce qu’ils ont déjà intégré et ce qui leur fait le plus défaut. Sans cette étape de diagnostic personnalisé, il est impossible de savoir ce que vous devriez étudier maintenant.

Cependant, puisque vous recherchez des conseils, si vous permettez que je vous exprime mon point de vue, le plus franchement et directement possible, voici ce que je recommande:

– Il vous faut impérativement un enseignant. A moins de vouloir simplement bricoler toute votre vie, il est IMPOSSIBLE de devenir un calligraphe sérieux sans quelqu’un d’expérimenté pour vous guider. On peut être un autodidacte génial, certaines erreurs ne vous apparaîtront pas spontanément et vous risquez de les reproduire indéfiniment jusqu’au point où il sera difficile de vous débarrasser de ces mauvaises habitudes qui vont s’enraciner et polluer votre pratique. Pensez-vous qu’il soit facile d’apprendre le violon sans professeur, simplement en lisant des livres ou en essayant désespérément d’imiter un virtuose, en écoutant des enregistrements qui vous plaisent ? Certains élèves, après de nombreuses années font toujours les mêmes erreurs que quelques jours de cours auraient éradiquées définitivement. D’un autre côté, je comprends votre difficulté car il est difficile de trouver un bon professeur à proximité de son domicile en Europe. De nombreux enseignants, qu’ils soient occidentaux ou chinois, n’ont pas toutes les compétences requises (connaissance approfondie des différents styles historiques, méthodes techniques pour progresser et surmonter les difficultés, pédagogie adaptée, etc). Il ne suffit pas d’avoir pratiqué quelques années en recopiant des modèles pour pouvoir enseigner cette discipline…

– Pratiquer en regardant des livres ou des vidéos peut être utile lorsque vous avez déjà une bonne maîtrise, mais certainement pas au début de l’apprentissage. En effet, le problème n’est pas d’avoir un bon modèle à observer mais d’avoir quelqu’un qui vous observe et vous corrige, ce qu’une vidéo ne pourra jamais faire.

– Si vous n’avez pas de professeur à proximité, essayez de faire au moins quelques stages intensifs de quelques jours pour acquérir des habitudes et des gestes justes vous permettant de progresser sans errer dans toutes les directions. Pour cela, n’hésitez pas à vous déplacer, cela en vaut la peine et vous fera gagner des années dans votre progression. C’est ce que font la plupart de mes élèves qui habitent trop loin pour suivre des cours réguliers.

– Ne choisissez pas un professeur spécialiste d’une autre discipline (professeur de langue chinoise, maitre de Zen, d’arts martiaux ou autre) qui peut parfois être également un calligraphe acceptable mais qui ne peut en aucun cas remplacer un véritable enseignant professionnel de la calligraphie.

J’espère que vous me pardonnerez d’être aussi direct dans mes conseils. Ils n’ont pour seul objectif que d’essayer de vous aider dans votre recherche. L’art est long à acquérir et la vie est trop courte pour se disperser en expériences inutiles. Je vous souhaite beaucoup de progrès et d’épanouissement dans l’apprentissage de cette merveilleuse discipline ! #BeginnerCalligrapher #ChuSuiliang #RegularStyle #Resources

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Saturday, June 15, 2019

Reply To: Calligraphy style for beginners

For technique and basic skills this chap on youtube has lots of videos – the link below has basic strokes and leads to more videos in the same series. He has recently posted some different styles (clerical etc) and videos where he copies famous texts, but there are loads of kai shu videos;

This chap below (田英章 Tian Ying Zhang) is quite famous and his calligraphy is very clear and standard. I watch a lot of his videos for the technique and the execution – a practice session always seems to be better after watching him!;

#BeginnerCalligrapher #ChuSuiliang #RegularStyle #Resources

Visit the forum at http://bit.ly/2MPhRvq to join the discussion on Inkston Oriental Art Community Inkston Oriental Art Community » All Posts https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

Friday, June 14, 2019


Thanks for some really helpful information 🙂

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Monday, June 10, 2019

Visit to Old Hu Kai Wen Factory

Recently Bruges Confucius Institute came with inkston to visit the Old Hu Kai Wen Factory to see how the traditional inksticks are made by masters. We found a lot of very interesting things to share.... #InkSticks

Clic Visit to Old Hu Kai Wen Factory para más información Inkston

http://bit.ly/2I7xTMJ published first on Inkston


here are all the ink articles:


Visit the forum at http://bit.ly/2K64iWf to join the discussion on Inkston Oriental Art Community Inkston Oriental Art Community » All Posts https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Reply To: Ideas for Inkston’s article writing?

A really good link. Thanks. #ChineseArt

  • This reply was modified 1 hour, 37 minutes ago by dominicrablah dominicrablah.
Visit the forum at http://bit.ly/31dhKN6 to join the discussion on Inkston Oriental Art Community Inkston Oriental Art Community » All Posts http://bit.ly/2Krs3qS

Reply To: Inksticks for Indentify

All these are produced by 徳记胡开文 Deji Hukaiwen factory. Personally, I’ve never used their ink, but as far as I know their reputation is not very good.

The first one is called “唐墨” (Tang Mo), an oil soot ink (it says 书画油烟墨, “calligraphy and painting oil soot ink”, on the box). Many factories make some version of the “唐墨” mold and it is usually a middle-grade oil soot ink, but the exact recipe varies from one factory to another. 纯松烟 is literally pure pine soot.

For historical reasons, there are many factories with Hukaiwen in their name. Talking about new ink, 屯溪胡开文 Tunxi Hukaiwen (registered trademark 胡开文 Hukaiwen) and 绩溪胡开文 Jixi Hukaiwen (registered trademark 苍佩室 Cang Pei Shi) are generally considered good, 歙县老胡开文 She County Old Hukaiwen (registered trademark 李廷珪 Li Tinggui) is supplied at Inkston. Tunxi and She County Old Hukaiwen were two of the state-owned ink factories in the last century. #Inkstick

  • This reply was modified 3 hours, 10 minutes ago by Scholar multapaakku.
Visit the forum at http://bit.ly/2Wq1Z6H to join the discussion on Inkston Oriental Art Community Inkston Oriental Art Community » All Posts http://bit.ly/2KrrqO2


You can also find many articles written by inkston about inksticks. 🙂 Hope you enjoyed reading them and using materials from inkston.


Visit the forum at http://bit.ly/317U2BW to join the discussion on Inkston Oriental Art Community Inkston Oriental Art Community » All Posts https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Reply To: I found some videos about the production of various painting materials

Very interesting! I especially liked the video about the production of  ‘Chinese Colour’. I’d love to know more about the production process of colour chips. Since I make some of the coloured pigments I use myself, I’d really like to know more about the traditional process of pigment and colour chip preparation as it is done in China. If anyone has any further information on that topic I would be grateful to hear it. #KamagraBrisbaneMatEmbaloChinesevideos

Visit the forum at http://bit.ly/2MuZj3d to join the discussion on Inkston Oriental Art Community Inkston Oriental Art Community » All Posts https://ift.tt/eA8V8J


<p style=”text-align: center;”>BUYING INK STICKS.</p>
This is just a heads up (warning) to those who may be new to the Chinese Arts.

Buying your ink sticks.

Be careful when looking on places like ebay.
Some pointers are as follows (but are not set in concrete BUT will help you stay out of trouble until experience kicks in)
1. Make sure it has a box.
2. How much is it? Very expensive?
3. What does it look like.

OK so 1. If it doesnt have a box probably it was a cheapie and someone has doctored it to look like something ancient.
Expensive ink sticks lose value unless you can actually use them in the shop if they dont have an elaborate wooden box.
$750 ink sticks dont come in celophane “off the peg” wrapping.

2. Is it really expensive…. ? Then read about it and ask yourself why is it so expensive.  Normally it should have a recipe name or type title like “Tang Mo” or similar. if the seller hasn’t added information you feel warrants the sticks purchase….. dont buy it.
If you suspect something…… be cautious and trust your instincts.

3. If it looks like aged wood or has been made to look “antique” or old…. forget it.  Soot never ages visually like that. It should look as good as it did when it came out of the mold.

Study the image here below.
The edges are really cracked and chipped BUT there are no impacts on the face!!!

There looks like what appears to be white Flour on the surface. Or something pale and white oddly as if to make it look faded and old. It isnt dust as that is all colours.

And if this “faded” effect is supposed to be real are we trying to say soot ink fades to white when its old!!!!!!!!!!????????????
Lets not be stupid.
Keep looking.

The edges are chipped away where, across the years, tiny impacts have taken place but there are NONE on the flat faces OR in the indented seal mark lower down. That is pristine without marks or damage.

has the seller list graded the ink stick?
That is, is it 101, 102 or 103.
103 is student grade.
102 is intermediate accomplished calligrapher grade.
101 is top notch and if you can afford it….. what you need.

For me, no grading?
No buy!

So would you say this ink stick below was on sale for $117?
Or $32.

It is $32.
But even then remember there are soot ink sticks on sale everywhere for $2 which are 70% glue.
Useless if you are serious about calligraphy.
It wouldn’t be difficult to “age damage” them.

Ask the seller what happened to the box. Generally a box is ALWAYS with the ink stick. Odd for it not to be. People treasure ink sticks especially if they’ve paid high prices for high quality.
Always look and think.
Make sure your supplier has a reputation of quality.
Everything will fall into place after that.

Fake Ink Stick



These ink sticks are ancient, pristine and were expensive and as a result make stunningly easy pitch black ink.
They are mine.  They are old but look like they were made yesterday.

I have also been victim to buying “ink stick sets” 14 in an ornate box only to find they are glue ornaments. £150 down the drain.
We all learn our lessons.


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I’m collector of inksticks for few years and I’ve several hundreds of them.

I’m looking for informations about inksticks collection but it’s so hard to find just a few. It’s a shame for a thing so rich in art and Chinese history, lots of technics for make it, awesome sculptures and so, fascinating


Do you know a book about it, even if in Chinese, or a website speaking about? Please?

Thanks a lot


For show, some pictures of beautifull inksticks

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Inksticks for Indentify

Hi, I find ink sticks from time to time I can not identify and would like to know what those are.

Especially because I am looking for good purchases.


https://www.amazon.de/gp/product/B00JVSO65M/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_1?smid=A2HSFPQG9EH8HP&th=1 #Inkstick

Visit the forum at http://bit.ly/2JVZ2UY to join the discussion on Inkston Oriental Art Community Inkston Oriental Art Community » All Posts https://ift.tt/eA8V8J

INKSTON Gold Fleck Decorative Paper 70 * 138 cm (5 sheets)


INKSTON Gold Fleck Decorative Paper 70 * 138 cm (5 sheets) $15.00 (USD) #Paper #HalfSizedXuanPaper #DecorativeXuanPaper #ChineseCalligraphy #Calligraphy #ChinesePainting

Clic INKSTON Gold Fleck Decorative Paper 70 * 138 cm (5 sheets) para más información Inkston

New! available at: http://bit.ly/2WnczLS from Products – Inkston

Ancient Recipe Lu Xuan Paper (100 sheets)


This paper is specially processed by animal gelatine. Therefore, it feels like half-cooked xuan paper. It is very user friendly and suitable for all levels calligraphy and Chinese flower & bird painting.


#Paper #MulberryPaper #HalfSizedXuanPaper #JapanesePaper #PracticeXuanPaper #Calligraphy #ChinesePainting

Clic Ancient Recipe Lu Xuan Paper (100 sheets) para más información Inkston

New! available at: http://bit.ly/2XnmNIJ from Products – Inkston

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Zhao Ji Slender Gold Thousand Characters 赵佶瘦金体千字文


Calligrapher: Zhao Ji 赵佶 (Emperor HuiZong 宋徽宗)
Publishing House: Hu Bei Art Publishing House, 1st edition, 1st September, 2015
Page: 22 pages
ISBN: 9787539479262, 7539479264

#ArtBooks #ChineseCalligraphy #Calligraphy #ChinesePainting

Clic Zhao Ji Slender Gold Thousand Characters 赵佶瘦金体千字文 para más información Inkston

New! available at: http://bit.ly/2W4YdL6 from Products – Inkston

Reply To: What’s the best way to store inksticks for aging?

You might be interested in our discussions about your topic on inkston facebook page.

And please also check how Old Hu Kai Wen stocks their inksticks. 🙂


Visit the forum at http://bit.ly/2YZ3q96 to join the discussion on Inkston Oriental Art Community Inkston Oriental Art Community » All Posts http://bit.ly/2HQaEXq

Inkston La Ran Xuan Paper 60 * 240cm


Grade: Professional

Feature: Handmade

Type: half sized/ half cooked 半生熟

The price is for one sheet with size of 60*240cm. We also have other dimensions available: 120 * 240 cm, 40 * 240cm, 35 * 100 cm. If you need other dimensions, please contact us. #Paper #HalfSizedXuanPaper #DecorativeXuanPaper #JapanesePaper #ArtBooks #Calligraphy #ChinesePainting

Clic Inkston La Ran Xuan Paper 60 * 240cm para más información Inkston

New! available at: http://bit.ly/2KkLGRG from Products – Inkston

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Jiang SiXu Tang Chinese Paint 30ml Tou Qing 头青


The price is for one bottle of 30 ml paints. These paints are the finest liquid paints in market. The colour is more durable than Marie's and Sakura's paints.

Product of Jiang SiXu Tang. Like all the Jiang SiXu Tang colours, these paints are made with minerals and plants. However, certain percentage of industrial colours are used in production for these paints.

Packaging: 5.5 * 3.5 * 3.5 cm, 30 ml paints per glass bottle. The packaging is more practical than both Marie's and Sakura's tube because glass bottle is more durable than the tubes.

Usage: the paint is ready for use directly. For different degrees of colours, you can control it by adding certain amount of clean water. #Inks #ChinesePaintsTubes #IndustrialColour #ChinesePainting

Clic Jiang SiXu Tang Chinese Paint 30ml Tou Qing 头青 para más información Inkston

New! available at: http://bit.ly/2QCpu6n from Products – Inkston

Jiang SiXu Tang Chinese Paint 30ml San Qing 三青


The price is for one bottle of 30 ml paints. These paints are the finest liquid paints in market. The colour is more durable than Marie's and Sakura's paints.

Product of Jiang SiXu Tang. Like all the Jiang SiXu Tang colours, these paints are made with minerals and plants. However, certain percentage of industrial colours are used in production for these paints.

Packaging: 5.5 * 3.5 * 3.5 cm, 30 ml paints per glass bottle. The packaging is more practical than both Marie's and Sakura's tube because glass bottle is more durable than the tubes.

Usage: the paint is ready for use directly. For different degrees of colours, you can control it by adding certain amount of clean water. #Inks #ChinesePaintsTubes #IndustrialColour #ChinesePainting

Clic Jiang SiXu Tang Chinese Paint 30ml San Qing 三青 para más información Inkston

New! available at: http://bit.ly/2JQeO3N from Products – Inkston

Jiang SiXu Tang Chinese Paint 30ml Bright Purple 青莲


The price is for one bottle of 30 ml paints. These paints are the finest liquid paints in market. The colour is more durable than Marie's and Sakura's paints.

Product of Jiang SiXu Tang. Like all the Jiang SiXu Tang colours, these paints are made with minerals and plants. However, certain percentage of industrial colours are used in production for these paints.

Packaging: 5.5 * 3.5 * 3.5 cm, 30 ml paints per glass bottle. The packaging is more practical than both Marie's and Sakura's tube because glass bottle is more durable than the tubes.

Usage: the paint is ready for use directly. For different degrees of colours, you can control it by adding certain amount of clean water. #Inks #ChinesePaintsTubes #IndustrialColour #ChinesePainting

Clic Jiang SiXu Tang Chinese Paint 30ml Bright Purple 青莲 para más información Inkston

New! available at: http://bit.ly/2QGjoSD from Products – Inkston

Jiang SiXu Tang Chinese Paint 30ml Deep Green 深绿


The price is for one bottle of 30 ml paints. These paints are the finest liquid paints in market. The colour is more durable than Marie's and Sakura's paints.

Product of Jiang SiXu Tang. Like all the Jiang SiXu Tang colours, these paints are made with minerals and plants. However, certain percentage of industrial colours are used in production for these paints.

Packaging: 5.5 * 3.5 * 3.5 cm, 30 ml paints per glass bottle. The packaging is more practical than both Marie's and Sakura's tube because glass bottle is more durable than the tubes.

Usage: the paint is ready for use directly. For different degrees of colours, you can control it by adding certain amount of clean water. #Inks #ChinesePaintsTubes #IndustrialColour #ChinesePainting

Clic Jiang SiXu Tang Chinese Paint 30ml Deep Green 深绿 para más información Inkston

New! available at: http://bit.ly/2JQFTng from Products – Inkston