Flor de ciruelo – símbolo de fuerza en invierno
Las flores de ciruelo (梅花 méihuā) siempre agregan un toque muy elegante al frío invierno cuando casi ninguna flor puede sobrevivir a su baja temperatura y fuerte viento. Es exactamente debido a su capacidad para florecer en este clima severo que el flor de ciruelo se ve como un símbolo de ser firme e indomable. Y estos preciosos valores son considerados elementos esenciales para un caballero por los antiguos intelectuales chinos. Junto con el bambú, la orquídea y el crisantemo, estas cuatro plantas son consideradas como los cuatro caballeros en la cultura china y, probablemente, son las cuatro cosas más importantes que uno debería aprender a pintar para su formación en pintura china. Aquí, hemos organizado un conjunto de principios del manual de pintura de Mustard Seed Garden sobre cómo pintar la flor de invierno. Así que, prepara tus materiales de arte y únete a nosotros si te interesa este tema.
5 principios de la pintura de la flor del ciruelo
- Posición: la posición de los pétalos del invierno es similar a esta Syringa oblata (lila de floración temprana). Los pétalos parecen crecer directamente de la rama y cada pétalo se superpone con sus vecinos. Cada pétalo parece transmitir el espíritu de que la flor de invierno está utilizando toda su fuerza y coraje para luchar contra el mal tiempo.
- Composición de Ying y Yang: las flores de invierno deben colocarse así: flores pequeñas y grandes, fuertes y débiles, frescas y viejas se deben combinar en un arreglo natural. Por ejemplo, si hay una flor que se está desvaneciendo, debe haber flores florecientes a continuación.
- Conexiones: cada pétalo se combina como la forma del carácter chino ‘丁’ o tres puntos en la misma posición que este personaje. Cada punto es un pétalo y cada punto / pétalo están conectados pero no unidos entre sí.
- Cuatro direcciones: esto significa que cada pétalo apunta en una dirección diferente y que ninguna flor tiene dos pétalos apuntando en la misma dirección.
- Ni puntiagudo ni afilado: el pétalo está pintado a mano alzada y un pétalo perfecto no debe ser redondo ni afilado. Esto suena fácil pero requiere mucha práctica hasta que puedas pintar con confianza un pétalo con un golpe natural que crea una forma de pétalo de flor perfecta. En chino, a veces esto se conoce como “asegurarse de que cada pétalo se destaque humildemente mientras llama la atención”.
Pinturas de flor de ciruelo por Wang Mian
Wang Mian 王冕, 1287 – 1359 Yuan dynasty, dinastía Yuan, fue un famoso pintor y poeta en la historia de China. Él es especialmente famoso por sus pinturas de flor con tinta. Y inkston adora sus habilidades espectaculares en la pintura de flor de ciruela. Aquí compartimos algunas de sus obras de arte.
Este es un video clip sobre cómo pintar flor. Está ilustrado por el artista chino Wu Peng 吴 蓬, que nació en 1941 y actualmente es investigador del Instituto de Caligrafía y Pintura de Shanghai. Es especialmente famoso por la caligrafía (Oracle) y las pinturas de flores. También publicó una serie de tutoriales sobre el Manual Chieh Tzu Yuan del Mustard Seeds Garden.
El video está en chino, pero puedes ver la técnica incluso si no puedes entender bien el chino:
【芥子园画谱技法讲座】 20(二)兰竹梅菊(09 10)梅
Ilustraciones del Manual del Jardín de Semillas de Mostaza
Inkston 0200WsWl 精品兼毫 Extra-large Fine Jian Hao Combination Brush
Brush Hair Size: 1.4 * 6.2 cm. Brush Size: 32 * 1.8 * 1.8 cm. It is made Chinese brush craftsmen who have had over 40 years brush making experiences. It is perfect for cursive script and abstract, flower/ birds paintings.
£26.18£11.26 (GBP)
Brand: inkston
Maker: Xu Shi Chun
Materials: JianHao hair
Packaging: silk sleeve
Suitable for: 写意画 Freehand Painting, 花鸟画 Flower and Bird painting, 草书 CaoShu "grass" Cursive Script calligraphy
Brush Hair Size: 1.4 * 6.2 cm
Inkston 0305WsWl 北海云雾 Beihai Yunwu “North lake mist” Extra-large 兼毫 Jian Hao Combination Brush
Brush Hair Size: 1.15 * 4.9 cm. Brush Size: 30.5 * 1.4 * 1.4 cm. It is made by the best Chinese brush craftsmen who have had over 40 years brush making experiences. It is perfect for cursive and semi-cursive script. It also has very great performance for abstract and flower & animal paintings.
£9.32 (GBP)
Brand: inkston
Maker: Xu Shi Chun
Materials: JianHao hair
Packaging: silk sleeve
Suitable for: 写意画 Freehand Painting, 花鸟画 Flower and Bird painting, 草书 CaoShu "grass" Cursive Script calligraphy, 行书 xíngshū semi-cursive script
Shipping size: 30.5 x 1.4 x 1.4 cm
Shipping weight: 50 g
Inkston 0403Ws 北尾狼毫联笔 Beiwei LangHao Wolf brush
Brush Hair Size: 1 * 4.4 cm. Brush Size: 30.5 * 1.3 * 1.3 cm. It is made by the best Chinese brush craftsmen who have had over 40 years brush making experiences. It is perfect for cursive, semi-cursive, and regular script. It also has very great performance for abstract and flower & animal paintings.
£15.53 (GBP)
Brand: inkston
Maker: Xu Shi Chun
Materials: Weasel Hair, Wood
Packaging: silk sleeve
Suitable for: 写意画 Freehand Painting, 山水画 ShanShui Landscape Painting, 楷书 KaiShu Regular Script calligraphy, 花鸟画 Flower and Bird painting, 草书 CaoShu "grass" Cursive Script calligraphy, 行书 xíngshū semi-cursive script
Brush Hair Size: 1 * 4.4 cm
Shipping size: 30.5 x 1.3 x 1.3 cm
Shipping weight: 31.5 g
Inkston 0601Ws 经典狼毫大 Large Classic Lang Hao Wolf Brush
Handmade Xuan brush from traditional workshop in Anhui – see our Xuan brush article and our brush buyers guide. It is perfect for regular script calligraphy style. Ideally use with Xuan Papers and Old Hu Kai Wen inksticks.
£13.91 (GBP)
Brand: inkston
Maker: Xu Shi Chun
Materials: Weasel Hair, Wood
Packaging: silk sleeve
Suitable for: 中楷 3-7 cm calligraphy, 大楷 3-9 cm calligraphy, 楷书 KaiShu Regular Script calligraphy, 花鸟画 Flower and Bird painting
Brush Hair Size: 2.8 * 0.7 cm
Product Size: 25 x 0.9 x 0.9 cm
Inkston 0602Ws 经典狼毫中 Medium Classic Lang Hao Wolf Brush
Craftsman: Xu Shi Chun
£13.22 (GBP)
Brand: inkston
Maker: Xu Shi Chun
Materials: Weasel Hair, Wood
Packaging: silk sleeve
Recommend to: Advanced Level, Beginners, Medium Level, Professionals
Suitable for: 中楷 3-7 cm calligraphy, 山水画 ShanShui Landscape Painting, 工笔画 Gongbi Painting, 楷书 KaiShu Regular Script calligraphy, 花鸟画 Flower and Bird painting, 行书 xíngshū semi-cursive script
Brush Hair Size: 2.5 * 0.6 cm
Product Size: 24.5 x 0.8 x 0.8 cm
Inkston 0603Ws 经典狼毫小 Small Classic Lang Hao Wolf Brush
£12.19 (GBP)
Brand: inkston
Maker: Xu Shi Chun
Materials: Weasel Hair, Wood
Packaging: silk sleeve
Recommend to: Advanced Level, Beginners, Medium Level, Professionals
Suitable for: 小楷 3 – 5 cm calligraphy, 工笔画 Gongbi Painting, 楷书 KaiShu Regular Script calligraphy, 花鸟画 Flower and Bird painting, 行书 xíngshū semi-cursive script
Brush Hair Size: 2.1 * 0.5 cm
Product Size: 24 x 0.65 x 0.65 cm
Inkston 0801SW 豹狼毫 Bao Lang Hao Large Leopard Wolf Brush (Squirrel/Weasel)
Shaft: wood Hair: 50% Squirrel Hair, 50% Weasel Size of the Brush: 340 * 20 * 20 mm at widest part Suitable for: calligraphy 行草 (Xing Cao), especially Xing Cao of Dang Dynasty and Song Dynasty Recommend to: intermediate to advanced level students, semi-professional calligrapher
£21.19 (GBP)
Brand: inkston
Maker: Xu Shi Chun
Materials: Weasel Hair, Wood
Packaging: silk sleeve
Recommend to: Advanced Level, Medium Level, Professionals
Suitable for: Calligraphy, Shi Lu 石鲁 Landscape Painting Style, 山水画 ShanShui Landscape Painting, 楷书 KaiShu Regular Script calligraphy, 花鸟画 Flower and Bird painting, 草书 CaoShu "grass" Cursive Script calligraphy, 行书 xíngshū semi-cursive script
Brush Hair Size: 6 * 1.5 cm
Product Size: 34 x 2 x 2 cm
Inkston 0901WsWl 古法大白云 GuFa Da BaiYun “Traditional White Cloud Large” 兼毫 Jian Hao Combination Brush
Special Feature: 60 – 65% weasel hair, 35 – 40% wool. The inside part is weasel hair; the outside part is wool.
£13.64 (GBP)
Brand: inkston
Maker: Xu Shi Chun
Materials: JianHao hair
Packaging: silk sleeve
Recommend to: Advanced Level, Beginners, Medium Level, Professionals
Suitable for: Calligraphy, 写意画 Freehand Painting, 楷书 KaiShu Regular Script calligraphy, 花鸟画 Flower and Bird painting, 草书 CaoShu "grass" Cursive Script calligraphy
Brush Hair Size: 4 * 0.9 cm
Product Size: 28 x 1.1 x 1.1 cm
Product Weight: 22.3
Shipping size: 35 x 3 x 3 cm
Inkston 0902WsWl 古法中白云 GuFa Zhong BaiYun “Traditional Small White Cloud Medium” 兼毫 Jian Hao Combination Brush
Special Feature: 60 – 65% weasel hair, 35 – 40% wool. The inside part is weasel hair; the outside part is wool.
£12.32 (GBP)
Brand: inkston
Maker: Xu Shi Chun
Materials: Bamboo, JianHao hair
Packaging: silk sleeve
Recommend to: Advanced Level, Beginners, Medium Level, Professionals
Suitable for: Calligraphy, 写意画 Freehand Painting, 楷书 KaiShu Regular Script calligraphy, 花鸟画 Flower and Bird painting, 草书 CaoShu "grass" Cursive Script calligraphy
Brush Hair Size: 3.6 * 0.8 cm
Product Size: 28 x 1 x 1 cm
Product Weight: 13
Shipping size: 35 x 2 x 2 cm
Inkston 0903Ws 花枝俏 “Flower Brush” Extra Fine Detail LangHao Wolf brush
Shaft: bamboo Hair: 100% weasel Suitable for: Chinese Gongbihua Painting (to draw narrow lines), or very small calligraphy. Recommend to: students, semi-professional, professional It is handmade with pure weasel hair. The size is very suitable for drawing narrow lines, and Gong Bi paintings. It is made with a very expereinced brush workshop in China. ASIN: B01N7EVPK6 ASIN: B071KSQDM6
£4.91 (GBP)
Brand: inkston
Maker: Xu Shi Chun
Materials: Bamboo, Weasel Hair
Packaging: silk sleeve
Recommend to: Advanced Level, Medium Level, Professionals
Suitable for: 1 – 1.5 cm diameter calligraphy, 工笔画 Gongbi Painting, 花鸟画 Flower and Bird painting
Brush Hair Size: 0.35 * 1.9 cm
Product Size: 24.5 x 0.7 x 0.7 cm
Product Weight: 5.2
Shipping size: 27.5 x 5 x 0.7 cm
Inkston 0903WsWl 古法小白云 GuFa Xiao BaiYun “Traditional White Cloud Small” 兼毫 Jian Hao Combination Brush
Special Feature: 60 – 65% weasel hair, 35 – 40% wool. The inside part is weasel hair; the outside part is wool.
£10.89 (GBP)
Brand: inkston
Maker: Xu Shi Chun
Materials: Bamboo, JianHao hair
Packaging: silk sleeve
Recommend to: Advanced Level, Beginners, Medium Level, Professionals
Suitable for: Calligraphy, Chinese Painting, 写意画 Freehand Painting, 楷书 KaiShu Regular Script calligraphy, 花鸟画 Flower and Bird painting, 草书 CaoShu "grass" Cursive Script calligraphy
Brush Hair Size: 3.3 * 0.7 cm
Product Size: 26.2 x 0.9 x 0.9 cm
Product Weight: 16
Shipping size: 26.5 x 3 x 2 cm
INKSTON Expert Flower/ Bird Xuan Paper
INKSTON Expert Flower/ Bird 45 Xuan paper contains 33-38% Pteroceltis Tatarinowii tree bark, it is untreated/unsized (raw/uncooked in Chinese) and has a tiny portion of added calcium, which makes the paper very sensitive to express different kinds of inks. Therefore, the paper is specially suitable for paintings of flowers and birds. To make the Expert grade Xuan paper the fibres are steamed/boiled…
£9.79 – £71.56
Brand: inkston
Maker: Inkston
Materials: 棉料 Mian Liao
Recommend to: Advanced Level, Beginners, Medium Level, Professionals
Suitable for: 花鸟画 Flower and Bird painting
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