Thursday, May 30, 2019

What’s the best way to store inksticks for aging?

Recently, I bought my first higher quality inksticks and since they are so wonderful to use, I immediately decided that it would be a wise decision to build for the future and stash some extra inksticks away for aging. As a relative novice to Chinese painting I am not sure about the best way to store them, though.

I know the basics: to keep them in their wooden box and to store them in a dry and shaded place. But how about the plastic wrapper that encloses the inkstick inside the box. Should that be left on or taken off? And do inksticks benefit from an annual airing, like paper does? Also, I read that inksticks are finished with a thin protective layer of glue, so would it be harmful to try them out before long-term storage, as it would remove that layer from one end?

I would be grateful to anyone who could offer more information on the subject.

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Monday, May 20, 2019

Reply To: How often should I replace my brush?

The state of your brushes depends a lot on how you treat them. For example, I never let my brushes dry after only rinsing them with tap water. When they are cleaned, I rinse them quickly with demineralized water to prevent the limestone from hardening them by drying. How to smooth the hair before drying is also essential. And, of course, they have to dry the tip down.
When I started teaching, I noticed that some of my students’ brushes died after a few days, while some of my students were over 30 years old and looked almost new. Since then, I try to teach them how to correctly treat their material …
But especially, the brush ages badly if the ink is bad, the ink stone too rough and especially if the movements of the brush lack of fluidity and constantly grip the paper. When one has to “slightly” torture the brush to obtain certain effects (rocks, tree bark, etc.), it is better to use old brushes (either “bad brushes” or, preferably, good brushes that are degraded over time).
All this reminds me of Prince Wen’s cook, of whom Zhuangzi speaks.






You can read a translation here:

L’état de vos pinceaux dépend énormément de la façon dont vous les traitez. Par exemple, je ne laisse jamais sècher mes pinceaux après les avoir seulement rincés à l’eau du robinet. Lorsqu’ils sont nettoyés, je les rince rapidement à l’eau déminéralisée pour éviter que le calcaire ne les durcisse en sèchant. La façon de lisser les poils avant de les mettre à sécher est également essentielle. Et, bien sûr, il faut qu’ils sèchent la pointe en bas.
Lorsque j’ai commencé à enseigner, j’ai observé que les pinceaux de certains de mes étudiants étaient morts au bout de quelques jours, alors que certains des miens avaient plus de 30 ans et paraissaient presque neufs. Depuis, j’essaie de leur apprendre à correctement traiter leur matériel…
Mais surtout, le pinceau vieillit mal si l’encre est mauvaise, la pierre à encre trop rugueuse et surtout si les mouvements du pinceau manquent de fluidité et acrochent en permanence le papier. Lorsqu’on doit un peu “torturer” le pinceau pour obtenir certains effets (rochers, écorce d’arbre, etc), il vaut mieux utiliser de vieux pinceaux (soit de “mauvais pinceaux” soit, de préférence, de bons pinceaux qui se sont dégradés avec le temps).
Tout ceci me fait penser au cuisinier du prince Wen, dont parle Zhuangzi.

Vous pouvez en lire une traduction ici:

庖丁解牛-Le boucher de Zhuangzi

  #BrushGrade #BrushQuality. #OldBrush #ReplaceBrush

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Reply To: top oil inksticks

For calligraphy, you need dark black and fluidity (not too sticky ink). The both inks Li Ting Gui and Royal ink are correct. I often use also japanese inkstick that are excellent but much more expansive. This is for oil soot ink. But if you want to copy ancient calligraphy masters on a “looking old” paper, I advice you to use a good pine soot ink, in order to get deeper dark  instead of too glossy strokes, particularly if you practice xiaokai on a shuxuan paper, because when the ink does not penetrate the paper and dry on the surface, it becomes more brillant.


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Sunday, May 19, 2019

Reply To: Paper for Sumi-e beginner

Bonjour. Pour avoir une réponse précise, il faut que vous formuliez différemment votre question. En effet, ce qui distingue les papiers, ce n’est pas qu’ils soient faits pour “débutant” ou pour “expert”. Il faut un marteau pour planter un clou et un tournevis pour enfoncer une vis (et pas le contraire), peu importe qu’on soit professionnel ou amateur !

Le sumi-e est le nom japonais d’une école de peinture originaire de Chine et dominant à l’époque de Muromachi (entre 1336 et 1573), qui se caractérise techniquement par des lavis à l’encre noire et qui se rapproche philosophiquement du bouddhisme zen.
En conséquence, pour ce qui est du matériel et des supports, c’est identique à ce qu’on utilise dans la peinture chinoise de type “xieyi 寫意 [expression spontanée]. Il vous faut donc privilégier les papiers “crus” ou “partiellement crus/partiellement cuits”, c’est à dire des papiers plus ou moins absorbants. C’est le premier point.

Mais ce qui va déterminer plus précisément votre choix, et qui explique la multitude de papiers disponibles, ce sont d’autres critères, que vous ne mentionnez pas :
1. Que peignez-vous ? Petites fleurs (orchidées), grandes fleurs (pivoines), bambous, oiseaux, paysages ?
2. Laissez-vous le fond blanc, en peignant le sujet principal en une seule séance, ou bien faites vous des lavis successifs (nuages, brumes, atmosphère de fond) qui imposent de mouiller plusieurs fois le papier ?
3. Quel est le format de vos œuvres ? 20 X 30 cm ou plutôt 70 X 100 cm ?
4. Faites-vous des copies d’œuvres anciennes qui demandent des papiers à l’aspect “vieilli” ou pas ?
5. S’agit-il d’exercices que vous jetterez ou conserverez dans un tiroir ou d’œuvres que vous destinez à monter sur rouleau ou encadrer et dont vous espérez plusieurs siècles de longévité ?

Selon vos réponses à chacune de ces questions, il est possible de vous guider dans le choix du papier le mieux adapté.
Enfin, une dernière question : n’avez-vous pas un professeur pour vous aider à choisir votre matériel ?

Eric Marié
Enseignant de peinture et de calligraphie chinoise #SumiE

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Reply To: Paper for Sumi-e beginner

Hello. To have a precise answer, you need to formulate your question differently. Indeed, what distinguishes the papers, it is not that they are made for “beginner” or for “expert”. It takes a hammer to plant a nail and a screwdriver to drive a screw (and not the opposite), no matter whether one is professional or amateur!

Sumi-e is the Japanese name for a school of painting originally from China dominating at the time of Muromachi (between 1336 and 1573), which is technically characterized by black ink washes and is philosophically close to Zen Buddhism.
As a result, in terms of material and media, it is identical to what is used in Chinese “xieyi” (spontaneous expression) painting, so you have to give preference to “raw” or “partially” papers. raw / partially cooked “, ie more or less absorbent papers, this is the first point.

But what will determine more precisely your choice, and which explains the multitude of papers available, are other criteria, which you do not mention:
1. What are you combing? Small flowers (orchids), large flowers (peonies), bamboo, birds, landscapes?
2. Do you leave the white background, painting the main subject in one sitting, or do you make successive washings (clouds, mists, background atmosphere) that require to wet the paper several times?
3. What is the format of your works? 20 X 30 cm or rather 70 X 100 cm?
4. Do you make copies of old works that ask for “aged” papers or not?
5. Are these exercises that you will throw or keep in a drawer or works that you intend to mount on roll or frame and that you hope for several centuries of longevity?

Depending on your answers to each of these questions, it is possible to guide you to the best paper. #SumiE

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Reply To: How to clean my seal?

Toothbrush and toothpick is quiet enough to keep it clean (but you have to clean the toothbrush with soup and water, sometimes to time). #ChineseSeal #CleanChineseSeal

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Reply To: Ideas for Inkston’s article writing?

There are some interesting articles about traditional paintings in Shanghai daily online edition:

These are setting the paintings in their historical context more than specifically commenting on materials and techniques.


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Chinese Landscape Rethought

29th March 2019 – 9th June 2019 all-day
LymanAllyn Art Museum, 625 Williams St, New London, CT 06320, USA thoughtful exhibition by selection of contemporary artists  

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from Events – Inkston Oriental Art Community


I.M.Pei is very much in the news this week on his passing at age 102

I. M. Pei, Venerated Architect Behind Iconic Museums, Is Dead at 102

His architecture always aimed to be timeless.  As well as his famous modern pieces such as his pyramid at the Louvre he also designed pieces connecting the past and present such as the Suzhou museum, picture from ArtNews:

“In China, architecture and the garden are one. A Western building is a building, and a garden is a garden. They’re related in spirit. But they are one in China.”


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Saturday, May 18, 2019

Paper for Sumi-e beginner

I am looking for some papers for sumi-e but I am feeling a little overwhelmed with all the choices. Do some of you have some recommendations for good starting papers?

I was thinking about getting the sample pack but I think I would like to get some more papers with my first order, any recommendations? 🙂

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Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Reply To: Calligraphy style for beginners

Great, thank you for your precious suggestions… I’ll keep practicing treasuring your hints! #BeginnerCalligrapher #ChuSuiliang #RegularStyle #Resources

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Ink Art Brussels 2019

Exhibition of contemporary art of Chinese calligraphy and painting until 30th of May.

Really worthy to pay a visit, beautiful works. There is also another project running from this author Lia Wei called “Lithic Impressions”. Main subject is rubbing which is very common in China where they rub engravings from calligraphy masters. They took it a bit further and rub any surface with an interesting relief. #ContemporaryArt #InkArtBrussels #LithicImpressions #Rubbings

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Monday, May 13, 2019

Reply To: Calligraphy style for beginners

Eventually, all the styles you mention are good to practice and the noted calligraphers of history all have something to offer. I would say to continue to practice those you seem to have an affinity for; eventually you will also try others. My teacher has me work constantly on kaishou “standard” styles he gives me models for. But I also do standard from others. It is all good. In addition, be sure to work on various sizes, from very small to single character with large brush. Such a challenge! Good Luck! #BeginnerCalligrapher #ChuSuiliang #RegularStyle #Resources

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Reply To: Calligraphy style for beginners

Hello ema.ballo

For beginners it is usually recommended to copy styles from Yan Zhenqing or Liu Gongquan or Ouyang Xun or Zhao Mengfu. Simply because these were the greatest four calligraphers in the regular script. By mastering one of their styles you will master everything you need to know of the regular style (kaishu).

I am not that familiar with the calligrapher Chu Suiliang, I looked up his calligraphy and it’s not that bad. Although there are some typical techniques just for his style. If you want to copy and learn these , by all means go ahead.

In China they tend to recommend you to learn a style from a calligrapher even though you do not feel ‘connected’ with this style. I personally think that you should have some kind of ‘connection’ with the style you do that way your learning curve will be better because you have a better motivation 🙂

It also depends on the learning material/resources you have, like books etc. Hope this helped you a bit #BeginnerCalligrapher #ChuSuiliang #RegularStyle #Resources

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Reply To: Seal:

Hi All,

following up on Riekjecares’s post and the topic of names, I would like to know if you can suggest any good source that can lead you to choose your Chinese name. Since I would really like to have a seal carved, I want to first of all choose a good Chinese name to start with.

Any book you can recommend in English that guides you through this is more than welcome!

Thanks! #ChineseNameForEuropeans

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Sunday, May 12, 2019

Reply To: 2019 Year of the Pig Competition – Professional

Very nice work! #豬Painting

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Friday, May 10, 2019

Bekah Badilla

Hi! I’m Bekah and I’m an artist and designer living in the US. I discovered Inkston while doing research on ancient Chinese silk painting (Gongbi). The methods and timeless techniques intrigued me and I am...

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Reply To: 2019 Year of the Pig Competition – Professional

Wild boar with baby in sumi-e style made by Astrid Menick

Wild boar with her baby in sumi-e style to celebrate the year of the pig.

Wild boar with baby in sumi-e style by Astrid Menick

The size is 35 x 23 cm and it’s painted on Xuan-paper with just ink, made from a Japanese inkstick. The ink is still wet. The  brush I’ve used is Inkston Initial 3. For the background I’ve used a hake brush. #豬Painting

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Reply To: Field trip to China?

What kind of scheduling issue do you have?  Something we can help with? #CalligraphyTripBruges #FieldTripChina #MaterialTrip

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Chinese landscape painting

Hello, can anyone help me identify the artist on a painting I found at my jobsite

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Reply To: I found some videos about the production of various painting materials

These are indeed very interesting videos ! Thank you for sharing

There are more good video’s on Youtube, but you have to really dig deep for them. Plus most of them  are in Chinese without any English translations or subtitles. Here are some more :

Chengming Hu and his handmade Chinese brush | 

The most famous art community in China – nearby West Lake |
<h4>More an overview of the history of Chinese painting</h4>
1/2 The Culture Show : The Art Of Chinese Painting |

2/2 The Culture Show : The Art Of Chinese Painting |


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Calligraphy style for beginners

Hi All, I would like to ask you a question about calligraphy styles. I am a more or less a beginner who has learnt the little he knows so far from books and video sources, not having the time to regularly attend calligraphy courses (too sad…). Nonetheless, I practice over and over again as soon as I have the chance to. Often I happen to read about the importance for beginners to practice the styles of Yan Zhenqing or Liu Gongquan because of the proportions and harmony of composition they are able to teach you. What do you think about this? To be honest, I have tried to copy the style of Chu Suiliang and I definitely have the impression of being by far more apt to it, since I usually get very disappointed with my attempts at Yan or Liu styles…

Any tips/ideas/suggestions?

Thank you!!

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Thursday, May 9, 2019

Inkston Song Dynasty Flower and Bird Painting Album 宋代花鸟

Auteur: divers
Maison d’édition: Maison d’édition d’art du peuple Zhe Jiang, 1re édition, 1er juin 2016
Nom: Album de peintures de fleurs et d’oiseaux de la dynastie Song
Page: 39 pages
ISBN: 9787534048500, 7534048508 

Song Dynasty Flower and Bird Painting Album 宋代花鸟

Author: various

Publishing House: Zhe Jiang People's Art Publishing House, 1st edition, 1st June, 2016

Name: Song Dynasty Flower and Bird Painting Album 宋代花鸟 

Page: 39 pages

ISBN: 9787534048500, 7534048508 #ArtBooks #FlowersAndBirdsPainting #SongDynastyPaintings #Gongbihua #ChinesePainting #%e5%b7%a5%e7%ac%94%e7%94%bbGongbiPainting #Flowers

Clic Song Dynasty Flower and Bird Painting Album 宋代花鸟 para más información Inkston

New! available at: from Products – Inkston

Inkston 作品用朱膘印泥 Top Grade Professional Cinnabar Red Seal Paste 50g

Product Link:

 Jiang SiXu Workshop is the most prestigious natural mineral colour workshop in China, and a China “Time-Honoured Brand” providing the highest grade Chinese natural mineral colours for professionals for over 350 years.

 Cinnabar or Vermillion is the naturally occurring mineral mercury sulphide (HgS). Inorganic mercury such as the mercury found in cinnabar is the least toxic form of mercury and has a long history in traditional Chinese medicine, ancient Roman makeup, Hindu Bindi forehead marking and Sindoor hair marking but should still be considered toxic and handled with care, especially in powder form.  The US Center for Disease Control and Prevention states:
Inorganic Mercury: When eaten in large amounts, some inorganic mercury compounds can be very irritating and corrosive to the digestive system. If repeatedly eaten or applied to the skin over long period of time, some inorganic mercury compounds can cause effects similar to what is seen with long term mercury vapor exposure, including neurological disturbances, memory problems, skin rash, and kidney abnormalities.
There is uncertainty about how poisonous cinnabar is and about the amount required to produce dangerous effects. Scientists generally recommend that we limit our exposure to all mercury compounds, however, including inorganic mercury.
People using cinnabar are warned not to inhale cinnabar dust and to be very careful when breaking the mineral in case dust is created. The mineral mustn’t be ingested or licked. In addition, it mustn’t be heated, which might trigger mercury vapor release. Opinions are divided about whether cinnabar is safe to touch. Mercury (ll) sulfide can be absorbed through the skin, but how much is actually absorbed from a lump of cinnabar mineral is unknown. Since there are unanswered questions about the mineral’s safety, it’s best to wear gloves when handling it.

GHS Statements

GHS07-1: Exclamation Mark
Signal word: Warning

Hazard designation

  • EUH031: Contact with acids liberates toxic gas.
  • H317: May cause an allergic skin reaction.

Safety Information

  • P261: Avoid breathing dust/ fume/ gas/ mist/ vapors/ spray.
  • P280: Wear protective gloves/ clothing/ eye/ face protection.
  • P302+P352:  IF ON SKIN:Wash with plenty of water
  • P333+P313: If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical attention.
Recommend to
Suitable for
Top Grade
Standard small packet item
Product Weight30
Shipping size9 × 9 × 5.5 cm
Shipping weight300 g

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

怀素 Huai Su Cursive Script 自叙贴 Zi Xu Tie

Author: 怀素 Huai Su

Publishing House: Zhe Jiang Classics Publishing House, 1st edition, 1st January, 2016

Name: 怀素《自叙贴》最美的字  Huai Su <Zi Xu Tie> The Most Beautiful Characters  

Page: 93 pages

ISBN: 9787554005552

#ArtBooks #Calligraphy #XingCao #%e5%b7%a5%e7%ac%94%e7%94%bbGongbiPainting

Clic 怀素 Huai Su Cursive Script 自叙贴 Zi Xu Tie para más información Inkston

New! available at: from Products – Inkston

Inkston Zhao Mengfu Luo Sheng Fu